No scroll bar thumb?


on some systems, there might an issue of missing scroll bar thumb, like this:
This is not a bug of FS Logbook Editor, but bug in Java itself. I can confirm that this happens with the latest version, which right now is Java 8 build 65 (build 1.8.0_65-b17). 

When releasing new version of FS Logbook Editor, I usually include latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (which should have the latest patches, but also bugs :(). FS Logbook Editor version 1.32 includes Java 8 build 45, which did not have this issue as per my testing.

However, every computer configuration is different and I cannot guarantee you will not suffer from this bug, even though FS Logbook Editor prefers the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) it is shipped with, but only when it is of newer version than the one installed in your system.

If you experience this issue, please update your Java to the latest version (If there is never than 1.8 build 65 b17). Chances are the issue have been fixed in new version. 

If you want to force FS Logbook Editor to use Java you have installed in system, rename the jre folder inside FS Logbook Editor installation folder to something else, like jre.DISABLED. You must have at least Java 1.8 (32bit version).

If nothing helps, contact me on and I will try to come up with some other solution.

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